Monday, May 30, 2011

Investing In Siler City Bumper Stickers

On the heels of the last post (this design actually came to being last night, the rewards stickers came on it's heels today!), here is another sticker to help remind us all of the importance of supporting locally owned and operated businesses in our community.

I'll actually start by showing my first stab at this last week.

While the message of this is pretty direct and overall positive, its catch phrase/tagline at the bottom has a certain solomn weight to it, that I think is interesting...

Locally Owned Businesses, Ignore them and they will go away came to me a couple of years ago, when our local copy/print shop closed their doors.

As someone who depended on their services quite a bit, this loss of such a business downtown shook me pretty hard, and that is the phrase that popped out of my mouth.

How could we have let this happen? I thought.

Is this too morbid, to scary, to put on a bumper sticker?
I think not.
Siler City is a town I think, that can handle a little bit of grit in its grits...
And I don't think there is much sense in sugar coating the truth.

Perhaps I should deck this one out with a grim reaper?

Well, while I still feel the very same way, while I was working on yet Another sticker, an alternate of of saying this same idea arose...and I kind of like it..

This is still a work in progress, and there are a few things I'd like to change already (like, yes, the green lettering on the bottom). But I do like the general direction it is headed in...

What I am trying encapsulate in the design, I think, is the preciousness of a viable downtown.
It doesn't have to be fricken Broadway. And I wouldn't want it to be. But I think you do want a downtown t to be at least quietly vibrant. Actually, what I think a small town should aim for is to positively "Twinkle"!

Its funny, I just threw that star in there as an afterthought, but now I know what it is doing there...


In getting involved with the NC STEP Leadership Team, and directing my efforts towards/through the Business Development Strategies Group, I have been thinking a bit about the important role that Graphic Design can play (has played and will continue to play) in catalysing small business growth and activity in town. The more I think about it, the more I realize the potential of its impact... (as in many ways, Siler City's is perhaps largely an image challenge..).

So, while ultimately, I think that street side signage is going to be a huge player in Siler City's continued development, for the past couple weeks, I have been turning my attention (improbably) towards.....Stickers!

Yes, stickers. Why? Because they are, well, so sticky, silly.

One set of stickers I have been working on creating are stickers that reward shoppers for choosing to shop in Siler City. Obviously, leaking dollars outside of the County is a huge obstacle to a healthy local economy. While tackling this problem will be an ongoing effort for Siler City (as it is in all small towns), and there need to be a variety of approaches to this problem, perhaps the simplest and most direct approach is to remind people of the importance of shopping locally.

And of course, we must reward shoppers, when they do make that choice, to support our local businesses.

One way might be through this simple sticker.

This one looks like it was designed by the Board Of Elections. Hey, got to start somewhere!..

Actually though, I suppose that is quite appropriate. In fact, it is probably because I am lifting this very idea / approach from them! 

After all, they know better than anyone, that a small badge of honor, for doing your good duty, can go a pretty long ways in developing pride...

Of course, I thought if I wanted anyone to actually VALUE this small token of appreciation, I had better HOIST it out of the early Gerald Ford 70's!

As for my revision, well, you might say sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one step forward...
Just kidding, no doubt, this is kinda hip in its retro nostalgia, and I think is headed in a good direction, of matching with at least our Arty segment of Historic Dowtown Siler City's business district...

Perhaps I can develop a few designs that business owners can choose from, or they can design their own...

Here it is with a bit more color (and life!) Its getting there! (though from afar, I can see that the black ring (that I really like) is still overbearing it).
Seduced in unproductive directions, by that pretty ribbon (the nature of pretty ribbons?),
here's one more of the same...for shame, for shame...

I'll keep working on it...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hang Tags for Reptire Designs

I have been working on some Hang Tags recently for my product design business, Reptire Designs.
Shhhh.I shall share these shortly...

FIT 4 KIDZ Logo (Fitness Summer Camp in DC Metro Area)

There is a lot to tell here, but for now, I will let this fine beast speak for itself.

Harvest Moon Brewer's Guild Bottle Label. AWWWOOOOOO!!!

I'll say it again.


My very good friend Matus is really passionate about brewing beer.
He loves it!

For the past year or so, he has been attempting to (and succeeding at!) starting a CSB- Community Supported Brewery!


And to protect his investment in some worthy vessels for his love brews, he has enlisted the help of yours truly, to design a talisman, to ward of pandering poachers of these bottles! In return, he has offered me two season's shares in his CSB!

Double YES!

What that means is that he or a little mouse name Cat, drop a big hulking growler of beer off at my door step every week for a couple months! A different delicious flavor every week!
Now I'm not a real big drinker..but how much fun is that? I just set the washed jugs back out on the step once I've drained them down my gullet, and they come pick them up, just like the MilkMan! Pretty cool!

So, down to business. Matus and I set up a few meetings.

I started with a much more complex idea.

Eventually though, I managed to distill (npi) this down to its most important essense.

I just wanted to get this one up there in the blog. I'll come back later to do this project more justice in description.